
Three possible topics for Episode 02 – what do you want to hear?

Written on:November 3, 2012
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I got a lot of positive feedback from my last Hacker Public Radio contribution on the subject of legally-free media and why it matters, so I’ll keep doing more episodes.

Right now, I have three topics that I’m working on developing, and while taking our Canine-American family member for a walk, I thought of a fourth that I could develop (but will take a bit of research first). I’ll be kind of working on all of them in parallel, but what I’m trying to decide is which one to put the emphasis on so I get it done first.

As mentioned not only in the last episode but towards the end of the one before it, I still want to do an episode on geotagging. I’m kind of leaning towards doing this one next, just so that it doesn’t become a perpetual joke (“Today was going to be the day I finally recorded the geotagging episode, but aliens abducted me and the mind-control implant they stuck in my ear is making me do this other topic instead again”). I’ve also had one emphatic request for this one.

I’ve also had a request for one on btrfs, since I mentioned an experiment I was doing with it with some external USB disks which slowed me down when it came time to send in my broken laptop for warranty repairs by Ohava (who got it back to me promptly and in good shape once I did – thanks!). The downside here is that this was a year ago, and the details of how I got the drives set up seem to have fallen out of the back of my head and been eaten by a cat, though I can still describe in general what I did, why I did it, and how I would do it if I was trying it again. This one would likely be a relatively short one but it might be interesting.

As I mentioned last episode, now that I’ve got the more advocacy-focussed part done, I’d also like to do a followup episode on ways to actually produce and publish audio on the web, with a little more technical content and some tutorial material. I could talk a little about my web-based audio-encoding project while I’m at it.

The fourth topic that was peripatetically-inspired this evening is digital steganography, which I don’t actually know all that much about (other than what it is and general concepts of a few ways to use it) but strikes me as something that’d be fun to research and play with, especially given my general interest in digital media these days. It’d also give me an excuse for a short rant about the difference between privacy and security, and why sometimes you might only care about one or the other. This one will take me some research to prepare for so I’m not sure when I’ll get around to it, however if a lot of people really like the idea, I will put more effort into it.

So, tell me – what do you want to hear about next?

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