
Thoughtkindness – Episode 0: “Acknowledgement Courtesan”

Written on:June 27, 2011
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I just uploaded .ogg, .spx, and .mp3 versions of my first submission to Hacker Public Radio. I think I managed to get the overall style I’m going for, so I’ll be interested to hear whether anybody but me likes it, assuming it’s accepted. It ought to show up in the HPR feed in the near future if so.

I was trying to come up with a name for what will hopefully be a series, and finally settled on “Thoughtkindness” (which was the best-sounding opposite of “Thoughtcrime” that I managed to come up with), so if you’re wondering what the heck “Thoughtkindness” was supposed to mean…now you know. Well, you also know even if you weren’t wondering, now.

I had to run the audio through a round of gentle noise reduction, so my voice sounds a little strained and processed, but I think it turned out okay. Next time, I’ll record with a quieter device and turn the air conditioning off. At least I know I can get reasonably decent sound out of the pair of bargain-basement dynamic microphones I’m recording with until I find out if enough people want to hear me to justify buying a nice microphone set.

Let me know what you think. If anyone is interested, I can post a bit about what I’m working on for upcoming episodes.

Meanwhile, let me know what you think.

UPDATE: Episode 0 is UP at now., and the two comments so far suggest I don’t suck. Therefore, Episode 1 is in development and should be submitted before the same time next month.

Meanwhile, if you want to listen to it here, and you have a modern browser (or Safari-without-XiphQT or IE9), here it is in glorious HTML5 Audio:

6 Comments add one

  1. Pingback:Play With It Out Loud » Blog Archive » Computer-nerd audio for Hacker Public Radio

  2. Gulrot says:

    I just listened to your hpr episode, and I wanted to say that I like your style, the only thing is that you might be a bit to self deprecating. Even though the theme wasn’t that much of a goer for me, your funny, and very nice way of presenting it made me stay on the whole episode, so just wanted to say that I’m looking forward to more of them coming in to my head through the earbuds :)

    • Epicanis says:

      Thanks for the feedback! I really wasn’t sure how I would sound to anyone else, so I was guessing that if I erred on the side of self-deprecation I’d be less likely to annoy people, and therefore hopefully less likely to discourage people from letting me know how I sound.

      Now that I’ve got some indication that people seem to like what I’m trying to do, I can be a lot less “tentative” in the next episode in a few weeks.

      Thanks again, and keep listening!

  3. Kevin Benko says:

    I just listened to your first HPR episode, and your delivery was fantastic.
    Not only your speaking voice and audio quality, but also your style of presentation and humor.

    • Epicanis says:

      Thanks for letting me know! If all goes well, I’ll be submitting the next episode to HPR within the next week or so (or at least by sometime before the end of July). I’d like to keep up with a monthly schedule.

      I may do a preview post here on the upcoming topics and potential topics for future episodes, if anyone is interested.

  4. Epicanis says:

    And to reiterate once more, blogspammers deserve eyeball-papercuts.

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