
Next Episode (02) coming soon: Ingress

Written on:February 17, 2013
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I’ve been beta-testing Google’s new Ingress, which is an enjoyable location-based game. Since I’ve been talking about doing an episode on Geotagging soon, I figure this will make a suitable segue.

I won’t say “I’m hoping I’ll have it ready for submission within a week” because if I do, chances are things will come up and I won’t get it done until November. However, people popping up to remind me to work on it so I don’t slack off would probably help speed things along…

P.S. anybody out there good with PHP’s “pack()” function? I’m trying to generate a correctly-formatted “METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE” data structure with it for Opus and Ogg Vorbis file generation…

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  1. Although your test tool calls me a dude (I’m not a dude. I have 3-horses.) on my Samsung Note II Android 4.1 in Firefox Beta browser, FLAC files work for the HTML5 tag. The built in browser doesn’t play FLAC, but the music player does.

  2. Epicanis says:

    Thanks for the data point!
    I think Firefox on Android will fall back to the system media playing capabilities for formats other than opus, ogg (vorbis), and wav, so hypothetically everything on the test page ought to work – though I must confess that despite having multiple Android devices with Firefox Beta running on them, I haven’t checked recently. I should do that…

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