
HPR1233 – Playing Ingress

Written on:April 24, 2013
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My third HPR contribution is now up at Hacker Public Radio.

Now, if you’re interested in Google’s new location-based game, Ingress, this should hopefully be a reasonable, minimally-lame and hopefully unstupid introduction to the topic.

Let me know what you think – I’ve got a followup episode to do, so now’s your chance to throw in suggestions to make it better. Thanks!

Meanwhile, assuming you’re using modern web software, you can listen from here directly if you want via the magic of the HTML5 <audio> tag, though I do also encourage you to check out Hacker Public Radio and all of the other shows they have.

You can directly download a copy of this audio show in glorious, awesome Opus format from my site here: PlayingIngress.opus
…or, you can download the show in Ogg Vorbis, Speex, or crappy-old-mp3 format directly from that first Hacker Public Radio link up there at the beginning (or this one here).
NOTE:ALL Android-based devices have supported Ogg Vorbis since the very beginning, even if your manufacturer neglected to list “ogg” in the supported file formats list. They often seem to forget to mention it. If your device supports it, I recommend going with Ogg, as the quality is better for the filesize. Opus is even better still, but new enough that support isn’t widespread yet.

(Oh, and if anyone’s curious – the “podcaster in-jokes” at the beginning and end of the show are references to the [now-defunct] “IT Conversations” podcast, Thomas Gideon of The Command Line podcast, and finally a certain somewhat-famous podcaster who used to have a TV show on TechTV…)

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