
Next episodes…

Written on:July 8, 2013
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Hacker Public Radio logoStill working on things – version 1.1 of the Opus codec reference software is due any day now, so I’m waiting to see the final word on what’s new in it besides the general “even better quality”.

Busy season is upon us here at the Asylum for the Sufficiently Nerdy, so it’s gotten somewhat more difficult to find large chunks of time to carefully research, assemble information, and record it all. At the same time, though, Hacker Public Radio has hit the summer submission slump and needs shows, so in addition to the somewhat longer episodes (like the upcoming Opus codec episode) I may try to record some shorter, less polished segments while I’m doing my domestic chores. If I do, the first one is likely to be a short informational show about audio metadata (id3 and vorbiscomments, for example). It wouldn’t be as polished or organized but it should be something, anyway. Additional topic suggestions are welcome and can be made here or over at the “Potentially Upcoming Shows” page I’ve been keeping here (the “Firewalls are for babies” episode concept would probably fit as one of the “Toilet-scrubber Tutorial” or “Laundry Lecture” or whatever I end up calling it shows).

First, though, DeepGeek at “Talk Geek To Me” managed to record an interview with Icelandic Pirate Party member of Parliament Birgitta Jónsdóttir, and I volunteered to record some commentary to turn it into a derivative work that we can introduce as an HPR show as well, so I need to get that done in the next day or two.

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