
Hey, do me a favor…

Written on:February 7, 2012
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Harass me.

Seriously, this relocation and career change has been (and continues to be) seriously distracting, but I really need to start producing audio again.

I’d therefore be appreciative if anybody who cared would pop by and harass me (or send me email, or pester me on Google Talk or Google+ or whatever) regularly until I start delivering listenables again.

Thank you.

3 Comments add one

  1. Daniel says:

    Make another HPR episode please!



    • Epicanis says:

      It took a few months, but the next one (about Ingress) was uploaded a few weeks ago, and should be showing up in the HPR feed within the next week or so, unless HPR gets a sudden influx of first-time contributors or something.
      I’m already working on part 2 of the Ingress episodes, hoping to have it done and uploaded within the next few weeks.

  2. Epicanis says:

    Thanks for the encouragement! I’m currently working on one regarding the beta-testing for Ingress right now, which should be a relevant prelude for the geotagging episode that I keep saying I’m going to finish…

    Hopefully, I’ll have my next episode ready before too much longer!

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